TryHackMe | Advent of Cyber 2019
Get started with Cyber Security in 25 Days – Learn the basics by doing a new, beginner friendly security challenge every day leading up to Christmas
Day 1
- cookies that have fixed values are bad as it allows attackers to guess the pattern and values.
- a new cookie can be created from Firefox dev tools > storage > cookies > add new
Day 2
- check source pages
- dir searching
- github search for website
Day 3
- for pcaps, the best thing to do is search for interesting activities e.g. telnet and ssh
- follow stream to export to txt
- johntheripper can work on
without needeing/etc/passwd
Day 4
- to find text within all files:
grep -Ril "text"
- to grep for all IP addresses:
grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" file.txt
- to grep for all IP addresses:
- It's wise to search for *.bak files in case some world readable backups exist :
find / -name *.bak 2>/dev/null
Day 5
- OSINT required creative google searches, social media, and the use of waybackmachine.
Day 6
- Tools used:
- wireshark-gtk
- fcrackzip
- steghide
Day 7
- strange protocols running on weird ports are worth trying out via http.
Day 8
- if binaries such as
are running as another user you can usually useexec
to execute something with that binary e.g.:
find /home/igor -name flag1.txt -exec cat /home/igor/flag1.txt \;
- commonly used command to list all suid binaries:
find / -user root -perm -4000 -exec ls -ldb {} \; 2>/dev/null
Day 10: Metasploit
- After a quick nmap scan, there seems to be a tomcat server running on port 80.
- Version enumeration reveals that it may be prone to the struts2 vuln.
- Let's use the
exploit via MSF and configure hosts, ports, and path (path = “”). - exploit successful! Use meterpreter shell to exploit further and find a way to break out of the docker container.
- SSH creds are available —> this is how we break out.
Day 11: Network Exploitation
nmap -A $IP -oA <filename>
- We can see the following services open: ftp, nfs, mysql
- Anonymous login is allowed on FTP. Use
to login and retrieve file and credentials.
showmount -e $IP
to check if NFS is present and directory /tmp && mkdir thm-nfs-11
sudo mount $IP:/opt/files thm-nfs-11
- thm-nfs-11 contains a file with the flag.
- I'll be using
to connect to the msql database. mycli -h $IP -P 3306 -u root
show databases
use data
show tables
- Creds are now retrieved from the table.
Day 12
1) md5sum
2) gpg --decrypt note1.txt.gpg
with supplied passphrase
3a) Decrypt private RSA key first with supplied passphrase openssl rsa -in private.key -out test.key
3b) Then use openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey test.key -in note2_encrypted.txt -out note2_decrypted.txt
to obtain decrypted note.
Day 14: AWS S3 Buckets
- Buckets can be accessed via
- Bucket contents can be accessed via
Day 15: Local File Inclusion
- Webservers will often pull files from local locations to display on a webpage.
- It's best to have a look at the HTTP requests and start crafting potential LFI that way.
- Be sure to encode the
. - Example payload: